JUMP TODastra APIRate limitingAuthenticationStatusApi statusgetGet the current authenticated user infosgetThe rate limiting state of api callsgetProcessing activitiesDataProcessingRelationshipsGet data processing relationships by idgetReturns the count of relationships of the dataProcessinggetCreates a data processing relationshippostDeletes a data processing relationshipdeleteDataProcessingsGet data processing record by idgetSaving or updating a data processing recordputPatching a data processing with his idpatchDeletes a data processingdeleteGet data processing activities(Tree)getGet data processing activities (Paginated)getCreates a data processingpostBatch update using a BatchPatchDto(guid, DataProcessingUpdateDto)patchGet data processing activities in cartography (limited to 150 data processing activities)getGet quality indicators on data processingspostCreates a new data processing from an asset, duplicating the asset and its binded elements if the source of the asset is from Dastra's library. The new data processing is pre filled with the elements of the DataProcessingFromAssetDto modelpostRestore data processing historypostSendinvitation to userspostSwitching the current workflow statepostDuplicate a data processing objectpostBatch archivepostForce a new calcul for indicatorspostArchive a data processingpostRestore a batch of data processing activitiespostRestore data processingpostBatch delete using a delete + a body parampostGet stats on data processing activitiesgetDashboard informations for data processing activitiesgetExport the data processing activities in any formatpostGenerates a DPA for the selected DataControllerpostList data processing purposesgetAdd a batch list of acto to a dataprocessing as a stakeholder, a recipient or a data controllerpostDelete recipents from batch actionpostGet recipientsgetImport a data processing with jsonpostImport data processing as json datapostDataTransfersGet data transfer matching Id parameterget/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/DataTransfers/{transferId}deleteGet all transfersget/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/DataTransferspostBatch update using a BatchPatchDto(guid, AiModelDto)patchUpdates a data transferputPatch a single transferpatchExport the transfers in any formatpostBatch delete using a delete + a body parampostGet data transfers (Paginated)getQuestionnairesAuditResponsesGet audit responses countgetBatch update of audit responsespatchList audit responsesgetPatch a single auditpatchFind a audit responsegetDeletes audit responsedeleteDashboard informations for Audit responsesget/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/AuditResponses/statsgetExport the audit responses in any formatpostRefuse audit responseputValidate audit responseput/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/AuditResponses/{auditResponseId}/respondants/{stakeholderId}/audit-urlgetUpdates a audit responseputFinalize audit responseputRenew audit responsepostGenerate action plan from audit responsepostSend the audit invitationputSend the audit invitationputCreate planification for audit responsepostBatch creation of audit responses for a list of objects (questionnaires in the dto). One audit response is created per object (dataProcessings, assets, actors, dataBreachs, etc...)postUpdate the planification of audit responseputCancel an audit response Not used, use refuse/{id} insteadputArchive audit responseputRestore audit responseputGet data from audit responses for matrix generationgetUpdate the state of the auditputAuditTemplatesSearch for an audit template (paginated list)getCreates an audit templatepostGet a unique audit templategetUpdates an audit templateputRemove a specified templatedeleteSet an audit template as pinnedpostSet an audit template as unpinnedpostCreates a new version of the audit templatepostSet an audit template as pinnedpostArchive an existing templatepostRestore an archived templatepostReplicate a specified templatepostGenerates a specified template from the librarypostExport the audit templates in any formatpostAllows a template to be shared with an external urlpostReferentialsTagsGet all tagsgetCreate a tagpostFind a taggetEdit tagputDelete the tagdeleteDownload tags as csv, xlsx or jsonpostActorsGet all actors (User inserted in the record of processing activities)getCreate a new actorpostBatch update using BatchPatch(id,ActorsDto)patchGet a single actor from his idgetEdit the actor's propertiesputRemove the actor with corresponding iddeleteUpdates an actorpatchSwitching the current state of the actorpostDelete a batch of actorspostClone an actorpostExport the actors in any formatpostAssetsGet all assetsgetCreate a new assetpostBatch update using BatchPatch(id,AssetUpdateDto)patchGet an asset with his idgetEdit an assetputDelete an assetdeletePatch a single assetpatchCreate a new assetpostBatch remove assetspostExport the assets in any formatpostImport asset from json filepost/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/Assets/importpostSwitching the current state of the assetpostClone an assetpostGet stats on data processingsgetDataFieldsList data fieldsgetCreate a fieldpostBatch update using BatchPatch(id,DataFieldPatchableDto)patchFind a data fieldgetUpdate a data fieldputDelete by iddeletePatch a data fieldpatchSwitching the current state of the data fieldpostDelete a batch of data fieldspostExport the data fields in any formatpostDataRetentionRulesList data retention rulesgetCreate a data retention rulepostBatch update using BatchPatch(id,DataRetentionRuleUpdateDto)patchGet a data retention rulegetEdit a data retention ruleputPatch a data retention rulepatchDelete a data retention ruledeleteDelete a batch of data retention rulespostExport the data retention rules in any formatpost/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/DataRetentionRules/importpostGenericRelationshipsList all generic relationshipsgetCreates a generic relationshipspostSaving or updating a generic relationshipsputDeletes a relationshipdeleteSecurityMeasuresGet all security measures as PagedListgetBatch update using BatchPatch(id,DataRetentionRuleUpdateDto)patchCreate a new security measurepostGet security measure by idgetUpdate an existing security measureputUpdates a security measure from JsonPatchDocumentpatchDelete a security measuredeleteSwitching the current state of the measurepostDelete a batch of security measurespostExport the security measures in any formatpostClone a security measurepostSubjectCategoriesList all subject categories matching querygetCreates a subject categorypostPatch a subject categorypatchFind a subject category by his idgetUpdates a subject categoryputDelete a subject categorydeleteSwitching the current state of the actorpostBatch delete of subject categoriespostDownload subject categories as csv, xlsx or jsonpostCloudStorageRetrieve all permissions (included inherited) on attachmentgetCreate new permissions for an attachmentpostUpdates a permission on attachmentputDelete a permission from attachmentdeleteGet all filesgetUpload a file to a providerpostGet all providersgetUpdate a fileputDelete a batch of attachments from a providerdeleteLink attachment to objectpostPatch a specific filepatchDelete a batch of attachments from a providerpostDownload a filegetView content of a file in plain textgetCreate a file with the contentpostPut the content of a fileputCreate a folderpostMove a filepostGet all drives from a providerpostData subject requestDataSubjectAttachmentsUpload an attachment to a specific data subject requestpostGet attachments related to a data subject requestgetRemove an attachment from a data subject requestdeleteRemove physically all files attached to the data subject request without removing the reference The files will still be visible in the form but won't be availble for downloadpostSimple doc downloadgetDataSubjectMessagesList all data subject requests messagesgetCreates a data subject request messagepostFind a data subject request message by identifiergetDelete a data subject request messagedeleteCounter of messagesgetSimple doc downloadgetDataSubjectRequestsList of data set processed in the data subject requestgetCreate data subject request datasets in batch modepostDelete a data subject in batchmodepostSend notifications in batch mode for data subject requestspostRetrieves an existing data subject request by ID.getPartially updates a data subject request.patchEdit a data subject request.putDeletes a data subject request by ID.deleteRetrieves a list of data subject requests based on query parameters.getCreate a new data subject requestpostUpdates the workflow state of a data subject request.postCloses a data subject request.post/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/DataSubjectRequests/{id}/reset-tokenpostArchives an existing data subject request by ID.postRestores an archived data subject request by ID.postExports data subject requests in the specified format.postSets or removes the suspension status of a data subject request.postAnonymizes a data subject request by ID.postBatch anonymizes multiple data subject requests.postPlanificationTasksCounter of tasks matching TaskObjectType and objectIdgetList tasks matching querygetTask creationpostBatch updatepatchGet tasks grouped by workflow stepsgetGet tasks grouped by workflow stepsgetGet a single task by idgetTask updateputUpdates a task from JsonPatchpatchReplicate a single taskpostBatch delete using array of idspostDeletes a taskdeleteArchive a taskpostArchive batch taskspostRestore batch taskspostGet stats on tasksgetGet stats on tasks groupedgetGet velocity chart informationsgetGet CumulativeFlowChartgetGet reportings on tasksgetGet BurnDownChartgetSwitching the current state of the element Using this system https://stackoverflow.com/questions/398425/maintaining-sort-order-of-database-table-rowspostSwitching the current state of the elementpostGet the workflow statsgetExport the tasks in any formatpostIncidentsDataBreachsGet the data breaches listgetBatch update of data breachespatchData breach creationpostFind a data breach by his idgetUpdates a data breachputPatch an data breachpatchData breach deletiondeleteRestore a selected data breachpostArchive a data breachpostSend invitation to userspostBatch archivepostBatch restorepostBatch Data breach deletepostSwitching the current state of the data breachpost/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/DataBreachs/import/{areaId}postExport the records in any formatpostRestore a selected data breachgetDashboard informations for data breachesgetRisksControlPointResponsesList all control point responsesgetCreates a control point responsepostFind a control point response by his idgetUpdates a control point responseputDeletes a control point responsedeleteDeletes a batch of control point responsedeleteSimple doc downloadgetControlPointsList all control pointsgetCreates a control pointpostFind a control point by his idgetUpdates a control pointputDeletes a control pointdeleteDelete a batch of control pointspostDownload control points as csv, xlsx or jsonpostContractsContractsGet all contractsgetCreate a new contractpostBatch update using a BatchPatchDto(guid, ContractDto)patchPatch a single contractpatchGet an contract with his idgetEdit an contract + his version in a single payloadputEndppoint for signaturespostEndppoint for signaturesputDelete a signature from a specified version (current by default)deleteDelete an contractdeleteClone an contractpostArchive a contractpostRestore a contractpost/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/Contracts/{id}/versionspost/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/Contracts/{id}/set-active-versionpostSwitching the current state of the contractpostCount contracts matching stakeholderId or assetIdgetExport the data fields in any formatpostBatch archivepostBatch restore contractspostBatch delete using a delete + a body parampost/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/Contracts/import/{areaId}post/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/Contracts/statsgetDashboard informations for data processingAttributesTablegetAI SystemsAiSystemsGet a ai system with his idgetDelete an ai systemdeleteEdit an ai systemputPatch a single ai systempatchGet all AI systemsgetCreate a new ai systempostBatch update using a BatchPatchDto(guid, AiSystemDto)patchExport the ais sytems in any formatpostExport an ai system information notice in html, docx or pdfpost/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/AiSystems/import/{areaId}postCount contracts matching stakeholderId or assetIdgetSwitching the current state of the ai systempostClone an ai systempostArchive a ai systempostRestore a ai systempostBatch archivepostBatch restore ai systemspostBatch delete using a delete + a body parampostGet quality indicators on AI systemspost/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/AiSystems/statsgetDashboard informations for AI systemsgetGet all linked assetsgetSendinvitation to userspostAiModelsGet all ai modelsgetCreate a new modelpostBatch update using a BatchPatchDto(guid, AiModelDto)patchPatch a single ai modelpatchDelete an ai modeldeleteGet a model with his idgetEdit a modelputExport the data fields in any formatpostBatch delete using a delete + a body parampostAdministrationLogsGet logsgetCount logsgetLog history for a specific usergetDownload logs as csvpostMark logs included in ids as viewedpostMark logs as viewedpostFetch a single Log detailsgetAreasRetrieve all permissions (included inherited) on a specific areagetCreate new permissions on a specific areapostDelete a permission on a specific areadeleteGet area by idgetEdit the area's detailsputGet all areas related to the workspace (Flatten)getCreates a new areapostFetch the full organizational unit hierarchygetSort areas according to querypost/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/Areas/{areaId}/to/{migrateToAreaId}delete/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/Areas/{areaId}deleteExport the areas in any formatpostImport organisational unitspostRoleUserWorkSpacesGet roles affectation by user idgetCreate or update a role affectation in workspacepostDelete the role assignation in workspacedeleteCreate or update a role affectation in workspaceputTeamsGet a team by idgetUpdate a teamputDelete teamdeleteGet all teams (paginated)getCreate a new teampostTenantUsersList all TenantUsers matching parametersgetGet a single user detailsgetGet a single public profilegetCount of usersgetDetach user profile from organization It does not really remove the account. It removes only the relationship with the companydeleteAdd or update ownershippostRemove owner by userIddeleteCollect the owner listgetSend a reset password mail to a usergetManage permissions per role for a specific userpostSend a reset password mail to a userpostUsersGet all users matching querygetFind a user by idgetExport the users in csv,xlsx or jsonpostRemove all the role's affectations of userspostRetrieve all teams for a specified usergetEdit user's teams affectationsputAdd team to a userpostDelete team assignationdeleteWebHookUrlsGet all webhooks urls configured in workspacegetPost a new webhook urlpostGet webhook by idgetEdit webhook urlputDelete webhook urldeleteWorkspacesGet one workspacegetGet the workspaces listgetReviewsList all control pointsgetCreates a control pointpostFind a control point by his idgetUpdates a control pointputDeletes a control pointdeleteCreates a control pointpostDeletes a control pointpostCustomReportCategoriesList all custom reportsgetCreates a new category categorypostFind a custom report category by his idgetUpdates a custom report categoryputDeletes a custom report categorydeleteCustomReports/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/CustomReports/schemagetCreates a new reportpostList all custom reportsgetFind a custom model by his idgetUpdates a custom existingReportputDeletes a custom existingReportdeleteGet a simplified result for the reportpostGet a full result for the reportget/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/CustomReports/display/chartpost/v1/ws/{workspaceId}/CustomReports/display/{id}/chartgetExport the custom report to specific formatpostRolesGet all roles (with localized built in roles)getCustomFieldGroupsGet all fields (with localized built in fields)getCreate a new fieldpostGet a field by idgetEdit an existing fieldputDelete fielddeleteCustomFieldsGet all fields (with localized built in fields)getCreate a new fieldpostGet a field by idgetEdit an existing fieldputDelete fielddeleteArchive custom fieldpostRestore custom fieldpostWorkflowsGet the complete List of WorkflowsgetSave workflow steps in databaseputGet workflows matching typegetPowered by Manage permissions per role for a specific userpost https://api.dastra.eu/v1/TenantUsers/{userId}/roles